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Vesak Weekend May 9-11, 2025

Let us celebrate together the life of one of the greatest beings on Earth.

Siddhartha, or Buddha Shakyamuni, was an enlightened being whose teachings have helped millions of people touch the peace, love and understanding inherent in each of us.  In celebration and remembrance of the Buddha, we will practice mindfulness together as a sangha and community, seeing that the Buddha is still very much alive, here and now.

You are welcome to join us for the weekend. We ask all retreatants to arrive on Friday, May 9, 2025 between 2 and 5pm, in time for our 6pm dinner and 7:30pm orientation.  Please no late or Saturday arrivals. Please register only if you are able to arrive before 5pm on Friday and stay for the entire weekend, departing on Sunday, May 11, 2025. Thank you.

This weekend is offered to our guests on a donation basis.

This retreat is open for both new and experienced mindfulness practitioners.