Registering on Teachable for the OI Retreat online
You may want to review all the instructions before clicking on the link to register for Teachable.
This is what you will see when you go to the above link. It just won’t be so fuzzy. Now click on the orange button, “Click here to access the retreat program.”
2. You will see this form. Fill in the fields you see. The password requires six (6) characters. Click the second checkbox, “I agree to Teachable’s Terms.”
If this is your first time registering on Teachable, please click on the “Sign Up” button.
If you have previously registered for Teachable, do not click the “Sign Up” button. Instead scroll down to the left bottom corner, click on “Log in with a School account.” And follow the prompts for your login. We will be logging in with the School Account.
3. Here you can see a page that has the link, “No thanks, go back to School.” The link is below the black log in button. Whenever you see that link on a page, be sure to click on it. You want to go back to school. Or click on MyCourses in the upper right corner and it will take you back to the NA OI Retreat online.
4. Here is the screen you will see after you fill in the fields on the sign up form (the one with the sign up button). Click on MyCourses (cut off in the image here) in the upper right corner to get to the retreat.
5. You did it! Thank you for your patience with this complex log-in for Teachable. Please email tech support if needed. We are happy to help.
Be sure to go to your email, and Confirm Email.