The Passing of Sister Chỉ Nghiêm
Dear Spiritual Family,
With great regret, we announce that our dear sister, Sister Chỉ Nghiêm passed away peacefully at age 62, at 10:02am, December 3rd, 2021 at Blue Cliff Monastery, Pine Bush, New York. She was surrounded by her spiritual sisters and relatives during her passing.
Sister Chỉ Nghiêm was born 0n February 19, 1960, ordained as a novice on Feb 7th, 2002, received the Bhikshuni Precepts in 2004, and received the Lamp Transmission in 2009. She belongs to the 9th Generation of the Lieu Quan Dharma Line and the 2nd Generation of the Plum Village School.
Sr Chỉ Nghiêm enjoying chanting, writing poems, drinking tea, and other Sangha activities.
While you do sitting meditation, chanting or invoking the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas’ names, please send peaceful, harmonious and compassionate energy to her in order that she can go freely and manifest again in a joyful, peaceful and beautiful form.
You are invited to leave stories of your encounters with Sr Chỉ Nghiêm in the message box below. They will be collated and shared with her spiritual family in Blue Cliff Monastery and also with her blood family.
In gratitude,
The Monks and Nuns of Blue Cliff Monastery