Mindfulness in Manhattan

Join us for special events in New York City, September 10-13
Lead by our international community of monastic brothers and sisters, on tour this year throughout the United States. This special tour happens only once every two years.

Mindfulness: Stop Waiting, Start Living - Meditation and Presentation at The Town Hall - Saturday, September 12
This extraordinary keynote address will be given by Thich Nhat Hanh's senior monastic disciples and will be supported by 70 monastics in the tradition from around the world.

Where Spirit Meets Action - Continuing the Legacy of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and Dr.  Martin Luther King, Jr.
at ABC Home - Thursday, September 10

The Music of Mindfulness - An eclectic concert at St Mark’s Church in the Bowery - Friday, September 11

New York Now - Sitting, walking, and eating meditation in the heart of the city - Saturday, September 12

Mindfulness, Healing, and Home -Book Launch at ABC Home - Sunday, September 13


Full listing of our US Tour Events